What Do We Consider When Choosing Entrance Doors?
Choosing entrance doors is not a simple task. There are currently a plethora of doors on the market—made from various materials, different models, and a whole palette of colors to choose from. When selecting doors for our home, we consider many aspects, such as durability, resistance, and security. However, aesthetic considerations play a huge role because the doors must match the facade, the architectural style, and above all, appeal to our taste.
Drzwi wejściowe a nowoczesny dom
Drzwi powinny pasować do stylu, rodzaju, koloru elewacji i do wnętrza budynku. Do wnętrz w stylu skandynawskim będą pasowały proste drzwi o nowoczesnym designie w kolorze szarym. Jasna elewacja domu będzie się dobrze komponować z ciemnym kolorem drzwi jak antracyt.
Ostatnie lata to zdecydowany zwrot ku drzwiom zewnętrznym z doświetlami. Najczęściej jest on wybierany z jednej strony (prawej lub lewej). Wynika to z tego, że najczęściej budowane są domy o metrażu pomiędzy 150-300 m2. Doświetla z obu stron (również z góry), są wykorzystywane w rezydencjach lub domach budowanych w stylu dworkowym.
Modern Home Style – What Door Material?
What Material Works Best for a Modern Home? It Depends. Poles most often choose aluminum – it is elegant and durable. Aluminum doors offer unlimited design possibilities – a multitude of models and colors. Although the price of aluminum doors is not low, this material is very popular due to its durability and resistance to corrosion and dents.
Wooden doors are also a great choice for a modern home – heavy oak doors that add sophistication and beauty. To ensure such doors serve us for years, it is essential to remember regular maintenance and care. If you don’t want to think about this and dream of wooden doors, it might be worth considering aluminum doors enriched with wood-like veneers or wood veneers. They can also be lacquered in wood colors – decor colors. Such doors are just as aesthetically pleasing as wooden doors.
If you don’t want to spend too much money on doors, a good alternative would be doors made of PVC – they are much cheaper than aluminum and wooden doors. What distinguishes them? They exhibit very good thermal insulation properties and are very easy to clean. PVC doors also come in many models and colors – there’s plenty to choose from.
What are the trends?
The trends in door construction mainly concern colors. In 2019, doors in white or swamp oak were popular. In 2020, the trendiest doors were in golden oak and anthracite.
This year, anthracite continues to dominate. Modern construction is also turning towards black entrance doors. There is also a trend towards designs that are closer to nature – specially created for this purpose is the HARMONY series. Born from the need to be in an environment created by nature.